Simply modify your existing buying pattern to benefit your Box family and start enjoying organic, rainforest alliance certified and freshly roasted coffee to order. Our subscription model makes it possible for us to save on shipping (save money and the environment) and get coffee roasted-to-order. Most coffees are on the shelves for weeks, months or years! You’ll get your coffee 3 days off the roaster.
Signing up is quick and easy at this link! Once you sign-up, you’ll start receiving coffee with your name on it once a month!
But don’t take our word for it! Box will be present for a coffee tasting Sept. 28 & Sept. 30 for all AM classes! Try their coffee for yourself and feel the difference!
Back to our regular scheduled programming:
CFH OLY warm-up
Split Jerk
10 Snatches (75/55)
10 Lateral Burpees