Remember Dr. Hewitt will be in the house at 6:30pm Friday night!
3x thru
100 singles unders
20 air squats
10 barbell strict presses
30′ spiderman lunges
150 Double Unders
60 Wallballs (20, 14lbs @ 10ft)
30 Chest to Bar
150 Double Unders
100 Unloaded Barbell Lateral Jump Overs
60 Wallballs (14, 10lbs) @10/9ft (9ft for all 13-15)
30 Jumping Chest to Bar
100 Unloaded Barbell Lateral Jump Overs
EMOM 10 Front squat
Build each round for 3 reps at a time; start at 60% and build accordingly
Superset with 3 Strict pull ups