Warm Up:
With a Partner
P1: Row
P2: 1 Round of 5 Ring Row+7 Push Ups+9 Squats
*Switch after completing body weight movements
Coach Led Full Body Mobility
100′ Farmers Carry (DB’s)
100′ Overhead DB Walk (Both arms locked out overhead)
1:00 Plank Hold
4 Rounds
1 Min Strict Pull Ups
1 Min Barbell Back Rack Reverse Lunges (75/55)
1 Min Calorie Row
1 Min Rest
*no rest in between movements
*pull up scale that allows 8-15 reps. Banded strict pull ups are no joke, same with feet elevated ring rows
*barbell comes from floor, being light we should feel comfortable and confident putting it on our back. If not, hold it in the front rack