As you all saw and heard, Todd Springer was recently inducted into the Harpoon Hall of Fame! Today we will perform is Benchmark Workout of the Day! A mix of all his favorite movements put together in classic CrossFit fashion. Todd will be at the 5:30am if you’d like to workout along side him and give him a high five!

Warm Up:

:30 on :10 off


PVC Dislocates

PVC Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press

Lateral Burpees over PVC

Child’s Pose




Coach Led Hip and Shoulder Prep


Overhead Squat and Power Clean Warm Up and Prep for WOD.


“The Springer”

For Time:

1000m Row

Directly into

2 Rounds

10 Overhead Squats (115/85)

20 Cleans

30 Wall Balls

40 Double Unders