Our first big snow storm of the season is on its way, and just on the cusp of our Thanksgiving Holiday. We’re likely biting at the bit to get back into our family routines but Mother Nature has other ideas for us. The gym will be closed for the am classes on Dec. 2 and we will update you for the evening classes as we find out more information.

Here’s a quick and simple Harpoon at Home Workout that you can do with your family and friends:
What you’ll need:
Your body
An AbMat if you have one but it’s not necessary!
A yoga mat would be nice but again, it isn’t necessary

What you’ll do:
Push Ups
Air Squats

How long it should take you:
I did this with moderate intensity in 13:56. The push ups in the later rounds got a little tough, but everything else I did without stopping.

If you’re new to CrossFit, here’s what a workout like this means:
Do 5 sit-ups. then 5 push-ups, then 5 air squats
Once you’ve completed the round of 5s, you do 10 of each movement, meaning, you do 10 sit-ups, 10 push ups, 10 air squats.
You keep climbing with your reps until you reach 25, then you begin descending your reps until you finish your set of 5.

The push ups are likely the movement that some of you might need to modify. I recommend using the edge of your couch to help support a long-body position to mirror the same plank position as a push up. You can also do push ups while resting on your knees. No matter what, be sure to tuck the elbows towards your ribs rather than perpendicular to the body. You can also modify the push up numbers to be 3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3.

How to warm-up:
Spend 45 seconds doing each of the following positions. Rest 15 seconds, and then start the next exercise:
Push-up to a downdog
Jumping Jacks
Walk outs
Jumping Squats
Rinse and repeat for two total rounds

What to look for:
Clear your space around your head and feet! I literally did this workout in front of my fireplace, but I made sure I wasn’t going to knock my head on the hearth.