Grab a friend for an In-House Throwdown February 8th! Sign up on the whiteboard at the gym! It’s free and will consist of 3 workouts! Let’s have some fun!
Warm Up:
:30 on :10 off x 2
Single Unders
Spider-Man Lunges
Glute Bridges
No Push Up Burpees
Empty Barbell/PVC Goodmornings
2 Rep Pausing Power Clean
Today’s Pause will be at the knee (:02) and again in the catch position (:02)
Drop and reset each rep, climb in weight as you please but hold those pauses! Getting us prepped for the next cycle!
30 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans (155/105)
30 Double Unders
10 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar