Warm Up:


6 Shuttle Runs (30′ down and back) (easy pace)

8e DB Suitcase Deadlifts

10 Single Arm Renegade Rows (5L/5R)

:20 Shoulder Taps



Strict Pull Ups

*After each set, 100′ Heavy Farmers Carry

*Think you’re a beast? Put a DB between your feet on the Pull Ups

*Always do ring rows? Let’s get a band involved and make a challenging vertical pull


3 Rounds

12 Lateral Burpees Over DB

21 Pull Ups


3 Rounds

12 Alt DB Snatches (50/35)

21 Ab Mat Sit Ups

*being 6 snatches per arm, let’s go a little heavier than we are use to on these. Even if it’s 5lbs. Too light? You’ll smoke them and be done in no time. Guys did you no we have a set of 70’s? Ladies 50’s?