AMRAP 3:00, rest 1:00:
15 DB Deadlifts (50s/35s)
10 DB Box Step Ups (50s/35s)
5 DB Thrusters (50s/35s)
Repeat for 4 total AMRAPs


Bodyweight Version:
Every 5:00 x 5:
Run 400m
50 DUs or 100 singles
25 air squats

More about Harpoon at Home:
Bring the gym home to you.
We know you’re busy.
We know this is an uncertain time.
We know sometimes life gets in the way of attending classes at Harpoon.
And we know that we can help.

Harpoon @ Home will provide the workouts, the necessary equipment, and the video instruction you need to continue choosing the active life even on the busiest of days.

You won’t need a lot of time or space, and you won’t have to waste any time looking for a workout you can do. We take care of everything so you can take care of your fitness and get back to your day.

Harpoon @ Home is a series of daily at-home workouts you can do in less than 45 minutes. Each day includes a warm-up, a video library of the movements, and a forum for sharing scores and asking for feedback.

For current members of Harpoon, these workouts are completely free.

For everyone else, the workouts and video instructions are just $50/month. Email us at to get started.