We did it! I don’t know about you, but a three week open sure beats a five week open! You all pushed yourself out of your comfort zone, built deeper relationships with your classmates, and showed us all how amazing this loving Harpoon community truly is.
Congratulations on an outstanding accomplishment!
This year’s Open Team Winner is “This is Terrible, Keep Going!” — Andrew, Nick, Trip & Matt A. They closed out week three with a bang and knocked out the other leaders! That’s one of the many things that is so fun in this sport, it’s a game of averages and the best averages overall ends up taking the cake! Way to go TEAM! There will be a beautiful giftbag waiting for you on Wednesday morning, provided by an anonymous donor.
The 6:30am Biddies (Katey, Alyssa, Lauren & Cat) took second. You’re welcome; I named you ;).
As for the rest of the email, I’m here to announce a FULL suite of products in the coming six months. We have some amazing coaches willing to put in the work to make these programs come to life. I had built a fancy webpage to display it all, but it won’t display on the iphone, so I’ll get back to you on that.
Check it out here, and forward this email to a friend!:
April 17: Spring Clean Up Day 10:30-12:30. Please bring racks, shovels, gloves. We will bring snacks and drinks!
April 18-23: No Outdoor Classes unless otherwise notified (Closed for Renovations)
April 24: Outdoor Classes in full effect and allowed to run concurrently; capacity increased for indoor classes; 8 outdoor spots will operate for the on-going months with a few upgrades.
April 26-May 22: Bootcamp 1 starts (Only 4 spots available for the 6am! Tell your friends!); Link to 6am. Link to 9am.
May 3: Evening classes return to 4:30pm & 5:30pm
May 31: Memorial Day Murph 6:30am, 7:45am & 9:00am classes only
June 1-October 8: Legends 65+ 10:00-10:45 Mondays & Tuesdays 8 spots.
June 7-July 3: Bootcamp 2 starts. Link to 6am. Link to 9am.
July 5 (observed July 4): 6:30, 7:30 & 8:30 classes only
July 12-16: PreTeens Town of York Camp 10:30-1:00pm
July 12-August 7: Bootcamp 3
July 19-23: Teens Town of York Camp
August 2-6: PreTeens Town of York Camp
August 9-13: Teens Town of York Camp
August 9-Sept 4: Bootcamp 4
Sept. 6 (Labor Day): 6:30, 7:30 & 8:30 classes only
October 11: Close of Outdoor Classes
6am & 9am
4-weeks long
*Rain or shine!
Front lawn. DBs only & jump rope only. Single horse stall mat. This will not take the place of the current outdoor workout set up. This will be IN ADDITION TO and placed out front on the lawn. This is an awesome way to introduce fitness with no commitment and no prior experience!
Monday & Tuesday
Coached by Dr. Bianca Monteiro, MDL1
Inside. Lifeskills. Moving objects and picking things up off the ground.
Looking ahead to beautiful summer months and a great spring.