As my fast few pieces have focused on physical connections and the brain, I decided to talk about nutrition and the brain for a change. We tend to think about healthy eating in order to benefit our physical health and well-being. We must also consider how what we put into our bodies affects our brains and how our brains ultimately impact our physical abilities. Our brains need a healthy balance of proteins, vitamins, fats, and minerals to function correctly and efficiently. What we eat can either protect or damage our neurons.
First off, Fats, since our brain is 60% fat! Fats help to enhance neurotransmitter health, improve memory, and increase cognitive ability by keeping healthy fatty acids in our brain. Fatty acids help information travel from our brain to our bodies (super crucial in fitness, of course! Healthy fats for our brain include; avocado, oily fish, and nuts.
Second, Protein. Proteins mainly help manufacture neurotransmitters, as well as build and maintain our brain cells (allow us to think, feel, and move every day!) Two vital amino acids that benefit our brain are tyrosine (eggs, chicken, dairy) and tryptophan (turkey, seeds, shellfish).
Next up, Iron! Iron provides our brain with oxygen. Lack of oxygen can cause memory loss, learning deficits, decreased attentive ability, decreased motor function, and fatigue. The best foods to keep the brain breathing and active are leafy greens, nuts & seeds, whole grains, and lean meats.
Lastly, vitamins! Vitamin B is especially great for the brain! Vitamin B keeps the brain from shrinking with age and past unhealthy habits. Keep that brain strong with meats, eggs, fish, and chicken!