
Great job on 22.1! We’ve tackled one unforeseen workout in the Open and we only have two more remaining: As coaches, we love seeing you all come together to support one another, try new things and step out of your comfort zone. The Open always leaves funny feelings, and if we harness them in the right direction, they give us a chance to become better athletes, friends and teammates. Take any of the challenges as an opportunity to learn from our gaps rather than a place to talk down to yourself, and you’ll see layers of growth within yourself as you move forward with the rest of the year.

The Open, and my condition, has gotten me thinking a lot about the way our feelings, conversations and emotions ripple through the lives of others.

I’ve been thinking about how much negative conversations, attitudes and demeanors really affect my mood while I’ve been pregnant. People will often ask how I’m feeling, and at eight months in, there’s not much more to say than large and uncomfortable! But as soon as I say it outloud, I feel ungrateful for the gift Stephen and I are welcoming into this world, as we chose this, wished for this and I should have a better outlook on receiving this!

So it naturally gets me thinking about the “complaints” we commonly share in the gym: Our ailments, our hardships, our tidbits of bad luck. I admire those of you who tackle these hardships by counting your blessings, rolling with the punches, and truthfully looking at the situation you’ve been given as “it could be worse.”

I challenge those of you who tend to overshare, blame and complain about these “challenges” to temper your public complaints in a more concerted way: Grab a friend for coffee and talk through what’s going on; practice gratitude for things you DO have; find some quiet time to identify your thoughts. But do your best to leave those complaints away from the open air of a place where we find so much joy! Harpoon should be a place where we can leave our burdens at the door and enjoy an hour (or more!) of uninterrupted focus on ourselves, leaving better, stronger and more at peace with whatever the world throws our way.

We all have a lot going on behind closed doors, and the more we recognize that this world isn’t all about us, the better people we will all become.

Upcoming things you want to know: 

  • March is a month of expecting for Harpooners! As an expecting mother, knowing that nourishment will be easy to access is such a blessing! From both Morgan and me, thank you all so much for helping us get back on our feet! Postpartum is no joke!
  • Morgan is expecting her second child in mid March (or as she hopes, any day now!). Here is her Meal TraIn. Her son does have an egg allergy so any accommodations to remove eggs will allow her son to eat the meals, too! Meals can be dropped off at the gym in the front refrigerator!
  • The Volks: Alyssa also set one up for us, as Scoutie is expected March 27. You can sign up for that one here. Meals can be dropped off at the gym in the front refrigerator and one of us will grab them. Thanks Alyssa! This is a dream come true as we welcome our first child and have NO IDEA what to expect!
  • Late Cancel/No-Shows: As of March 1, you will be charged a $10 late cancel fee if you are reserved for 530am and/or Family Room and you do not show up. There are no more mulligans. You can cancel this class up until 9pm, but anything after that, you will see weekly. This is to allow as many to attend that class as possible as it is our highest demand class and we need to respect the class capacity. Thank you for understanding.
  • Golf-specific Program: Joe is looking to launch a 6-week, two or three day per week Golf Prep Program at Harpoon before the first of the golf season. Do you know anyone who might be interested? It would be similar to a Bootcamp-style training specifically geared toward the golfing season. We are gauging interest, availability and timing. Please email joe@puredrivephysio.com to lure in your significant other or bestie!
  • Maddie’s maternity leave: Any day now, I will step away on maternity leave but I have the utmost confidence in the Leadership Team that is in place. Email Lauren info@crossfitharpoon.com should you have any questions whatsoever, and she will direct you to the right person. Kara will lead the programming and coaches, and there will be some shifts in who is coaching what. She’s already been crushing the workouts, so please continue to show her grace as she programs through her first Open!
  • Thank you from the YCSA:  YCSA wanted to say a very big thank you to all of the Harpoon crew for their generous donations on the Christmas tree.  You raised $1050!  We are so grateful for your support! Thank you from 3 of the Harpoon Legends, Michelle Surdoval (YCSA Executive Director), Maureen Monsen (Food Pantry Manager) and Janie Sweeney (Family Service Program Manager)