Warm Up: Dynamic Into 1x 10 Deadlifts 10 Hang Cleans 10 Front Squats 1x 8 Power Cleans 8 Push Press 8 Front Squats 1x 6 Power Cleans 6 Thrusters Pre WOD: Warm Up to Workout weight Warm Up/Review Pull Ups WOD: 4 RFT 10 Thrusters (115/85) 15 Power Cleans 20 Pull Ups...


Warm Up: Coach Led Hamstring and Shoulder Mobility to start Then :30 on :10 off Banded Goodmornings Banded Pull Aparts Down Dog Glute Bridges Russian KBS x2 Skill: Deadlift (deload) Using 90% of 1RM Complete, 40% x 5 50% x 5 60% x 5 WOD: AMRAP16 16 KB Box Step Ups (1...


Warm Up: :30 on :10 off Jumping Jacks Plank Hold Mountain Climbers Push Up Down Dog Active Bar Hang x 2 Hit some full body Mobility, coaches choice! WOD: With a Partner 30 Rounds 7 Wall Balls 5 Pull Ups 3 Burpee to Target *You go, I go fashion. Rotate full rounds...


Warm Up: Quick Dynamic Then Get Benching! Skill: Bench Press Using 90% of your 1RM 70% x 3 80% x 3 90% x 3++ WOD: AMRAP5 Buy In: 700/600m Row 7 Squat Cleans (95/65) 25 Double Unders Rest 5 Min AMRAP5 Buy in: 500/400m Row 5 Squat Cleans (115/85) 25 Double Unders Rest 5...