Warm Up: Spend 3 Min With a Foam Roller Then :30 on :10 off PVC Pass Throughs PVC Good Mornings Lateral Hops Over PVC Push Ups Child’s Pose Hand Stand Hold Skill: Superset 5 Rounds A1) Push Jerks x 3 A2) Handstand Push Ups x 4-8 *Off rack on push jerks. Look to...


Warm Up: Coach Led Hip And Lower Body Mobility Then :40 on :20 off Air Squats (PVC on Back Rack) Reverse Lunges Push Up Down Dog Bootstrappers x 2 Skill: Back Squat (Deload) Taking 90% of 1RM, complete: 5@ 40% 5@ 50% 5@ 60% WOD: AMRAP20 50 Wall Balls 40/30 Cal Row 30...

120819-Harpoon Interval Training

Warm Up: Coaches Choice! WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 DB Thrusters Burpees Over DB *little test piece from Harpoon @ Home. Order your set of DB’s, Plyo Box and Rope for the Holidays and workout in your house! We will provide the workouts and...


Warm Up: Coaches Choice! Get the Shoulders and Chest Warm! Body Armor: 4 Sets 10e SA DB Bench Press 10e SA DB Rows 10e SA DB Strict Press 30 Banded Pull Aparts WOD: AMRAP9 3 DB Strict Press (50/35), 8 Shuttle Runs 6 DB Strict Press, 8 Shuttle Runs …. Continue...