120119-Harpoon Interval Training

Warm Up: Coaches Choice WOD: EMOM City: 12 min EMOM Evens: 12/10 Cal Row Odds: 8-10 Burpees over the Rower Rest 3 Min 12 min EMOM Evens: :40 Assault Bike Odds: :40 Max Effort Sit...


Warm Up: Partner EMOM12 Evens: :40 Row Odds: :30 Plank Hold Then Full Body Mobility Skill: 30-20-10 (Not for time, but quality) Ring Rows DB Floor Press Weighted Sit Ups WOD: For Time: 1000m Row 30 Power Snatches...


Warm Up: 2 min on a machine Then :30 on :10 off Alt Spider-Man Lunges Push Up To Down Dog Boot Strappers Russian KBS Goblet Squats x2 Skill: Tempo Front Squats 8×2 (Build or stay same but maintain tempo!) Tempo Today: 5 Seconds Down 2 Second Hold Explode Up WOD: 3...


7 and 8:30am Classes Only Today! Come in and crush Filthy 50 and some Deadlifts! Warm Up: Coaches Choice/Set Up and Run Through all the Movements WOD: “Filthy 50” For Time: 50 Box Jumps (24’/20) 50 Jumping Pull UPS 50 KBS (53/35) 50 Walking Lunge Steps 50 Knees to...

112719-Harpoon Interval Training

Warm Up: Coaches Choice WOD: 10 Burpees 20 DB Push Press 30 Sit Ups 40 Double Unders 50 Cal Row 40 Double Unders 30 Sit Ups 20 DB Push Press 10 Burpees Post WOD Burnout: Partner 4min AMRAP Assault Bike...