by Conner Andrews | Nov 23, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: 2 min Row or Bike Into :30 on :10 Rest Jumping Jacks Alt Spider-Man Lunges Push Up Down Dog KB Swings Child’s Pose w/ Hands on KB Sunday Sweat: With a 30 min Clock (6 Rounds), rotate through these stations at an 80% pace :40 on :20 rest 1) Assault Bike...
by Conner Andrews | Nov 22, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: Dynamic Then Crossover Symmetry to get the shoulders hot Skill: EMOM8 Evens: :40 Handstand Negatives (:03 descent) NO PUSH UP, kick off and reset Odds: :40 Ring Rows (elevate the feet on a bench or box for even more of a challenge. I want these to be really...
by Conner Andrews | Nov 21, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: :40 on :20 off x 2 Glute Bridges Banded Pull Aparts Banded Goodmornings Side to Side Lunges Squat Hold Then Coach Led Hamstring/Low Back Mobility Skill: Deadlift Take 90% of your recently tested 1RM and complete 65% x 5 75% x 5 85% x5+ Be smart with the 5+...
by Conner Andrews | Nov 20, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: Partner 100 Cal Row Partner not rowing is spending time mobilizing Core Work: Tabata: (:20 on/:10 off x 8 Rounds) Hollow Hold High to Low Plank Russian Twist WOD: Partner! AMRAP25 2000m Row (split every 250m) 150 Sit Ups 100 Med Ball Step Ups (24/20) *split...
by Conner Andrews | Nov 19, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: Coaches Choice with some Hamstring Mobility WOD: AMRAP10 10 DB Deadlifts 30 Double Unders Rest 5 min AMRAP10 10 Wall Balls 30 Double Unders