Warm Up: Dynamic and Coach Led Full Body Mobility/Foam Roll WOD: 200m Run, 21 TTB, 21 Burpees 200m Run, 18 TTB, 18 Burpees 200…15/15 200…12/12 200…9/9 200…6/6 200…3/3 *30 min...

110119-CrossFit Games Open 20.4

Week 4 is here! 20.4: For Time 30 Box Jumps 15 Clean and Jerks (95/65) 30 Box Jumps 15 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 30 Box Jumps 10 Clean and Jerks (185/115) 30 Pistols 10 Clean and Jerks (225/145) 30 Pistols 5 Clean and Jerks (275/175) 30 Pistols 5 Clean and Jerks...

103119-Halloween WOD!

Warm Up: Coaches Choice! WOD: With a Partner 800m Creepy Row 100 Mysterious Step Ups 100 Scary Sit Ups 100 Fearful Lunges 100 Spooky Push Ups 50 Wicked Pull Ups 100 Ghostly Air Squats 100 Killer Kettlebell Swings 100 Eerie Wall Balls 800m Creepy Row *Partner not...


Warm Up: Coaches Choice WOD: For Time 10 Burpees 20 Pull Ups 30 KBS 40 Sit Ups 50 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 30 KBS 20 Pull Ups 10 Burpees Core Cash Out: 1:00 Low Plank :30 Right Plank :30 Left Plank :15 Hollow Hold X...


Warm Up: Coach Led Dynamic and Full Body Mobility WOD: 5 Rounds AMRAP4 30 Shuttle Runs (10m) 15 Toes to Bar Max Calorie Row Rest 4 min *Score is total Cals Long and Sweaty!