Warm Up: 500m Row or 400m Light Jog Then as a Group :30 Stations Inchworm to Push Up Slow Air Squats Hollow Hold Rest Inchworm to Push Up Squats with Arms Overhead Arch Hold Rest Inchworm to Push Up Jumping Air Squat Straight Leg Sit UPS Skill: Toes To Bar Review and...

101119- CrossFit Open 20.1

Here We Go. CrossFit Open is Back! WOD: 20.1 10 Rounds For Time 8 Ground-To-Overhead (95/65) 10 Bar Facing Burpees *15 min Time Cap *Ground to Overhead can be Power Snatches AND/OR Clean and Jerks

101019-Harpoon Interval Training

After Today, Noon HIT on Thursdays, will no longer be in session. They will pick back up in 2020! Warm Up: Coaches Choice! WOD: Every 5 min x 4 Rounds 25/18 Cal Assault Bike 15 KBS Max Sit Ups in Time Remaining *Each Round Gets a :30 rest before going back to the bike...


Warm Up: Dynamic+ Full Body Mobility Work Core Session: EMOM12 Evens: :30 Hollow Hold Odds: :30 Russian Twist Partner WOD: AMRAP5 Max Cal Row AMRAP5 Max Cal Assault Bike AMRAP5 Max Double Unders *One Parter, One Machine, No Rest Between AMRAPs. Switch However! *Get us...