Warm Up: Partner 100 Calorie Row *Partner Not Rowing Is Holding Plank *Switch Every 10 Cals Isolation Work: 4 Sets A1) Alt. DB Hammer Curl to Shoulder Press 8e Arm A2) DB Single Arm Row 8e Arm w/ Hand on Bench/Box WOD: For Time: 1000-800-600-400-200m Row 100m Farmers...


Warm Up: 400m Group Run Then :30 Stations Push Up into Downdog Romanian Deadlifts Strict Press with :03 Pause/Stretch at Top Slow Air Squats Hang Power Cleans Push Press Lunges in Place Front Squats Push Jerk *All Coach Led for Each :30 Station as a Group Skill:...


Warm Up: 3 Rounds 30 Single Unders 10 Glute Bridges :30 Front Plank 10 Jumping Air Squats :30 Wall Sit Coach Led Hip Mobility: Couch, Spidey, Pidgin Skill: Back Squat 3 x 6 Increase weight each set but make them challenging WOD: 50-35-20 Double Unders Ab Mat Sit Ups...

100319-Harpoon Interval Training

Warm Up: Coaches Choice! WOD: Row Repeats 10x 200m Row Sprints Rest 1:1 Look to hold a challenging pace throughout. I would love to see Round 1 be within a few seconds of Round 10. Upper Body After Party: 2 Rounds 30 DB Floor Press 20 Push Ups (Hands on DB Handles....


Warm Up: Dynamic Then Group Full Body Mobility Core: 4 Rounds 10 Straight Leg Weighted Sit Ups 12 Ab Mat Sit Ups 15 Straight Leg Lifts (Active Hang From Pull Up Bar. Legs Straight, Lift Them Up As High As Possible, Strict) WOD: Partner! AMRAP20 50 Wall Balls (20/14)...