Warm Up: Spend time Foam Rolling Upper Back/Lats Then 2 Rounds :30 on :10 Rest PVC Pass Throughs Plate T- Raises (w/ 2.5#) Push Up to Down Down Alt Samson Stretch Jumping Jacks Skill: Spilt Jerk Spend 15 min building to a Heavy 1 Rep It’s been awhile with this...


800g Challenge Begins Today! Eat those fruits and vegetables! Speak to a coach about Harpoon at Home! This program is insane! Warm Up: :45 on :15 Off x 2 Air Squats PVC Pass Throughs Box Step Ups PVC Overhead Squats Easy Row Skill: Back Squat Adding #10 to 1RM then...


Warm Up: Dynamic Sunday Sweat: EMOM30 Min 1) 50 Double Unders Min 2) 10 Burpees Min 3) 15/12 Cal Row or Bike Min 4) 20 Sit Ups Min 5) REST


Warm Up: :40 on :20 transition Easy Row Alt Samson Lunges PVC Pass Throughs Moderate Row Spider-Man’s PVC Overhead Squats Fast Row Push Up To Down Dog PVC Overhead Squat (More Narrow Grip) Pre-WOD Coach Led WOD Prep. Review Overhead Squat, Pull ups, and Prepping...


Warm Up: Partner Relay (3 Rounds Each) 15 Banded Goodmornings 60′ Walking Lunge (Down and Back) 120′ Shuttle Run (Down and Back x 2) 3 Burpees While P1 is Working, P2 is Holding Plank *8 min cap then get Deadlifting Skill: Deadlift Adding #10 to Current...