Warm Up: Partner Relay (3 Rounds Each) 15 Banded Goodmornings 60′ Walking Lunge (Down and Back) 120′ Shuttle Run (Down and Back x 2) 3 Burpees While P1 is Working, P2 is Holding Plank *8 min cap then get Deadlifting Skill: Deadlift Adding #10 to Current...


Kicking things off with a bang with this Partner Workout. Warm Up: Dynamic and WOD Movement Prep! WOD: Teams of 2 30 min to Finish… 100 Calories 90 Back Squats (95/65) 80 Calories 70 Push Press (95/65) 60 Calories 50 Front Squats (115/80) 40 Calories 30 Push...


AM Classes Only, Pre-Teens and Kids are on! Warm Up: :30 Small Arm Circles into :30 Big Arm Circles 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10 PVC Strict Press 10 Scap Push Ups 5 Push Ups x2 Skill: Strict Press (Phase 2) Add 5# to 1RM, take 90% and use that number for percentages below...

123019-Harpoon Interval Training

Warm Up: Coaches Choice WOD: AMRAP20 10 Alt. DB Hang Snatches (10e) 10 Push Ups 10 Box Jumps *at Min 5, Snatches change to DB Power Cleans (2 DB) *at 10 min, change back to Hang Snatches *at 15 min, Switch to DB Power...


Warm Up: :30 on :10 off Single Unders Alt Spider-Man Lunges Medball Deadlifts Push up to Down Dog Air Squats to Med Ball x2 Skill: Back Squat Add 10# to 1RM then take 90% of that and complete 5@ 75% 3@ 85% 1+@ 95% *Heavy! WOD: For Time 60 Double Under, 30 Burpees 60...