by Conner Andrews | Dec 28, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: Coaches Choice! WOD: AMRAP5 100 Double Unders 25 DB Deadlifts Max Sit Ups in Remaining Time Rest :90 x 4 Rounds 1 & 2 =100 Double Unders Rounds 3 & 4= 500m Row
by Conner Andrews | Dec 28, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: 10 Air Squats to Medball 10 Front Squats holding Medball 10e leg Lunges with Med Ball Overhead 20 Shoulder Taps x2 Push and Pull: Quality, not time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB Bench Press 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Ring Row *done in Superset fashion. 10 DB Bench...
by Conner Andrews | Dec 27, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: Spend a few minutes foam rolling quads, hamstrings, lats then :30 on :10 off PVC Pass Through PVC Goodmornings PVC Front Squats Push Ups Downdog Hold x 2 Skill: Thruster 1RM *from the floor WOD: 5 RFT 20/15 Cal Row 10 Thrusters (115/80) *should be a...
by Conner Andrews | Dec 26, 2019 | WODs
Warm Up: AMRAP10 with a Partner. 5 Cal Row or Bike 50′ Walking Lunge with Ab Mat on Head 100′ Bear Crawl *Switch Full Rounds Only *if Ab-Mat falls off head, 3 Sit Ups *Team with most rounds wins Skill: Deadlifts Adding 10# to 1RM, Take 90% then complete, 3@ 70% 3@ 80%...
by Conner Andrews | Dec 25, 2019 | WODs
Regular Schedule Today! Warm Up: Dynamic Prep WOD Movements Partner Sweat WOD: For Time 40 Cal Assault Bike/Row 40 DB Thrusters (50/35) 40 Burpees 40 Double Unders *each 40 Sit Ups 40 Pull Ups ….30 ….20...