102818, Sunday

Good luck to Julie in her Marathon today!! She has relentlessly trained to prepare for this event so wish her well! Nor’easter: As of right now, the gym miraculously has power. Double check before class and Teens! Warmup: Conner’s choice Skills: 3 rounds: 30′ Burpee...

102718, Saturday

Warm-up: Cat’s choice This is intended to be a HEAVY day. Give the lifts your utmost intensity! WOD: With a running clock, every minute perform 1 lift and add 10 lb. (women increase by 5 lb.) Start with an empty barbell and snatch for as long as possible. Once you...

102618, Friday

Warm-up: 1000m row 30 hollow rocks 30 kip swings 30 air squats 500m row Skills: EMOM 10 5 Front squats directly into 5 box JUMPs WOD: 3RFT: 9 DB Facing Burpees 12 HSPUs 15 DB Front Squats...

102518, Thursday

warm-up: Dynamic Skills: AMRAP 7: 10 alternating strict TTB 10 Russian Twists 10 SA OH lunge WOD: AMRAP 20 with a partner: Cal Row Devils Press Split however you...

102418, Wednesday

warm-up: CrossOver Symmetry CFH Oly warm-up skills: 3×10 good mornings WOD: 4 total rounds: AMRAP 3, rest 1:00: 10 TTB 10 hang snatches (95/65)