by Madeline Volk | Oct 22, 2018 | WODs
warmup: 3x thru: 10 banded pull aparts 10 DB strict presses 10 arm circles 10 shoulder taps 10 cat/cows 6 half TGUs (from ground up) 10 SA DB hang high pulls skills: 10 barbell bench presses (you select the weight) or DB Strict Presses directly into 10 supine plate...
by Madeline Volk | Oct 21, 2018 | WODs
pre-workout: ankle prep warmup: 3x 30′ oh plate walking lunge 10 air squats 30′ burpee broad jump 10 hollow rocks 30′ duck walk 10 push ups Skills: Back squat 1×8 1×6 1×4 1×2 then as many reps as possible in the front squat in the same weight you did 1×6 directly into...
by Madeline Volk | Oct 20, 2018 | WODs
warmup: Conners choice Skills: EMOM 9: minute 1: :30 of DB box step ups minute 2: :30 of Man Makers minute 3: :30 of D Ball Squats WOD: AMRAP 17: Max Effort OHS (RX is 3/4 BW) 15 Cal Row *pirate rule for burpees 10...
by Madeline Volk | Oct 19, 2018 | WODs
warm-up: Coach’s choice Skills: Review the DU & HSPU WOD: Pick Teams of Three. Each person must complete the following individually: 40 DUs 21 HSPUs 40 DUs 18 HSPUs 40 DUs 15 HSPUs 40 DUs 12 HSPUs 40 DUs 9 HSPUs 40 DUs 6 HSPUs 40 DUs 3 HSPUs Once all three team...
by Madeline Volk | Oct 18, 2018 | WODs
mobility/activation: Keg Drill Crossover Symmetry Strength: Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds: 5 Deadlifts (heavier than WOD weight) directly into 5 box JUMPS! WOD: 3 rounds for max reps round one: Power Clean for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds Power Clean for 25 seconds,...