101818, Thursday

warmup: 12 PVC OHS 9 hanging knee raises 6 ring rows Skills: EMOM 12: 1: HSW or bear crawl 2: Strict TTB 3: Strict pull ups AMRAP 20: 1000m Row between you and your partner 4 burpee slam balls each 6 DB Thrusters each 12 DB hang cleans each 24 DB STOH...

101618, Tuesday

warmup: 3x 30′ shuttle run 20 KBS 10 WBs 5 kip swings post WOD skills: E2OM for 12:00: 3 strict presses directly into 3 push presses directly into 3 jerks On the last set: also go directly into a max set of push ups WOD: For time: 21 squat snatches 42 push-ups 15...

101518, Monday

warmup: 3x 30′ oh plate walking lunge 10 air squats 30′ burpee broad jump 10 hollow rocks 30′ duck walk 10 push ups Skills: Back squat 1×8 1×6 1×4 1×2 then as many reps as possible in the front squat in the same weight you did 1×6 directly into 25 air squats. Yep. Do...

101418, Sunday Funday

Teens kicks back off this AM! warmup: Conners choice Skills: AMRAP in each: 1:00 at each station, complete each station 3 times! :15 to rotate DBall Cleans DB step ups DBall slams DB front rack squats WOD: 27 DB STOH (50s/35s) 50 DUs 21 DB Hang Cleans 50 DUs 15 DB...