101318, Saturday

warmup: Dynamic Skills: Review wall walks Review knee to elbows: kipping vs strict Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 strict knees-to-elbows 3 wall walks Scroll for scaling options. Post rounds completed to comments. Scaling This workout will...

101218, Friday

warmup: 3x thru 50 singles unders 20 air squats 10 barbell strict presses 30′ spiderman lunges WOD: AMRAP 6: 3-6-9-12-15-etc Thrusters Bar Facing Burpees SKILLS: EMOM 10 Front squat Build each round with 3 reps at a time; start at 60% and build...

101118, Thursday

warmup: Coach’s choice Skills: 4×60′ DB OH Walking lunges superset with 5-10 strict pull ups OR 10 bent over DB rows WOD: AMRAP 20 with a partner: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Cal Row Man Makers

101018, Wednesday

warmup: Coach’s choice corework: :20 in each, rest :20 between. complete for four rounds L-Sit (box, bar or rings) plank hold hollow hold v ups WOD: in a :60 second window, complete the following barbell complex 3 hang snatch (95/65) 3 OHS 3 front squats 3 STOH + max...

100918, Tuesday

warmup: 3x thru: 10 banded pull aparts 10 DB strict presses 10 arm circles 10 shoulder taps 10 cat/cows 6 TGUs 10 SA DB hang high pulls skills: 10 empty barbell bench presses directly into 10 supine plate presses rest 1:00 add 5#, repeat for four total rounds WOD:...