100818, Monday

warmup: 3x 30′ oh plate walking lunge 10 air squats 30′ burpee broad jump 10 hollow rocks 30′ duck walk 10 push ups Skills: Back squat 1×8 1×6 1×4 1×2 then as many reps as possible in the front squat in the same weight you did 1×6 WOD: EMOM 10: 10 pull ups as many...

100718, Sunday

Reminder: no TEENS today! The teens have the week off and will resume Oct. 14! Message Maddie or Conner if interested enrolling. Warmup: Conner’s choice Skills: 200m row directly into a 200m Farmers Carry. Rest 1:00. Repeat 4 rounds. WOD: AMRAP 5: As many cals as...

100618, Saturday

warmup: Stephen’s choice Odd Skills: Every 3:00 for 12:00: 14 DBall cleans 12 DBall squats 10 KB snatch 10 strict TTB WOD: “Diane”: 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlift 225/155 Handstand push-ups

100518, Friday

Remember Dr. Hewitt will be in the house at 6:30pm Friday night! warmup: 3x thru 100 singles unders 20 air squats 10 barbell strict presses 30′ spiderman lunges WOD: 150 Double Unders 60 Wallballs (20, 14lbs @ 10ft) 30 Chest to Bar 150 Double Unders Scaled: 100...

100418, Thursday

warmup: Coach’s choice Core: AMRAP 9: 3-3-3 6-6-6 9-9-9 Single Leg V-ups Tuck Jumps Hollow Rock As far as possible in 20:00 with a Partner: 1 partner works at a time Buy In: 100 Cal Row 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6: i go, you go: Push Up Lunge KBS/RKBS If you complete...