by Madeline Volk | Oct 2, 2018 | WODs
prewarmup: Pec stretches Barbell hip mobility Ankle mobility warmup: for 10:00: 60′ bear crawl 50 single unders 30 AbMat sit ups 20 Shoulder taps Skills: Prepare the squat clean WOD WITH a partner: 20 synchronized squat cleans, 95/65 20 synchronized squat cleans,...
by Madeline Volk | Oct 1, 2018 | WODs
warmup: 3x 30′ shuttle run 20 KBS 10 WBs 5 kip swings WOD: “Jackie” 1000 meter row 45 pound Thruster, 50 reps 30 pull-ups post WOD skills: E2OM for 12:00: 3 strict presses directly into 3 push presses directly into 3 jerks On the last set: also go directly into a max...
by Madeline Volk | Sep 30, 2018 | WODs
Reminder: Dr. Ryan Hewitt is coming Friday at 6:30pm. Beer and wine will be there. So you should be, too. Warm-up: Dynamic with emphasis on squats Skills: Back squat 1×8 1×6 1×4 1×2 WOD: TABATA the following: AB Cals DU Bar Facing Burpees Cal Row *you can start on any...
by Madeline Volk | Sep 29, 2018 | WODs
HUGE CONGRATS to Julie & Ayla & Ab for CRUSHING the Lumberjack 20! Warm-up: Conner’s Choice Skills: EMOM 12: 1: 10 DB Squats 2: 6 strict pull ups directly into 6 push ups 3: 30′ Plate OH Walking Lunge For time, with a partner: 30 synchro toes-to-bars 40...
by Madeline Volk | Sep 28, 2018 | WODs
Good luck to all of those outside of the gym using their fitness. We have people at the Dempsey challenge, the lumberjack, and a few half marathons! Crush it! Harpoon is behind you! warmup: Ashley’s choice Skills: 1-rep-max* each of: Deadlift / hang clean / hang clean...