091818, Tuesday

warmup: Dynamic Skills: Push Jerk WOD: Mainsite 180826 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 15 toes-to-bars 50-ft. handstand walk Scaling Modify the movements and reps so you can complete 2-3 rounds quickly and unbroken, then hang on for as many more...

091718, Monday

mobility: wall stretches warmup: 7:00 to complete: 200m row 12 DB Deadlifts 9 DB strict presses 6 DB thrusters Skill: Power Clean WOD: 400m run 21 CTBs *jumping as sub 400m Run 18 CTBs 400m Run 15 CTBs 400m Run 12...

091619, Sunday

warmup: Conner’s choice Skills: Muscle Ups Progressions and how to get better Possible session: max effort unbroken (jumping or unassisted); then EMOM 9 at 50% or Conner’s choice WOD: Karen with a twist 150 WBs For Time (20 to a 10’ target/14 to a 9’ target)...

091518, Saturday

warmup: EMOM 9: 1) :30 of shoulder taps 2) :30 of plate hops 3) :30 vups Skill: OHS Build to a heavy set of 3 WOD: 3RFT: 400m Run 30 TTB 20 Cleans (135/95)

091418, Friday

warmup: 3x thru: 10 dislocates (o/u) 5 burpees 10 pvc hollow rocks 10 pvc hollow arches 3 inchworms 5 reverse tabletops 10 kip swings Strength: The pull up Tabata Pull ups WOD: 9-6-3 BMU Snatches (115/80) rest 5:00 on your own time 15-12-9 CTBs Snatch...