by Madeline Volk | Aug 18, 2018 | WODs
warmup: Conner’s choice! Strength: 2RM Strict Press WOD: 5RFT: 10 CTBs or 5 Ring MUs 10 Thrusters (95/65)
by Madeline Volk | Aug 17, 2018 | WODs
Happy wedding day to our boy Jake!! warmup: 3 x thru 50 single unders 10 toy soldiers 20 walking lunges (last 5 of each round as a Samson stretch) :10 bar hang :10 HS hold Strength: 3RM Back Squat AMRAP 13: 25 air squats 25 DB STOH (40s/25s) 25...
by Madeline Volk | Aug 16, 2018 | WODs
mobility pre-movement: 1:00 in couch stretch on each side 10 Worlds Greatest 10 inchworms warmup: 1:00 at rotating stations, 2x thru: Bike Row No push up Burpee Single unders Single leg DB deadlifts Skills: Review the points of performance in the deadlift; build to...
by Madeline Volk | Aug 15, 2018 | WODs
warmup: Dynamic skills: 4 rounds: 20 partner WB sit ups 20 partner leg tosses 20 WB side tosses (stabding twists) WOD: AMRAP 20 with a partner: 800m run, alternating every 200 40 WB partner tosses over the rig 40 KBS 40 air...
by Madeline Volk | Aug 13, 2018 | WODs
warmup: CFH Oly warm up Strength: 12:00 to find a Snatch + Hang Snatch WOD: EMOM 10: 4 Deadlifts (135/95) 3 Hang Cleans 2 Thrusters 1 STOH