080318, Friday

Warm-up: With a Kettlebell or dumbell AMRAP 7: 7 SDHP 7 KBS 7 goblet squats 7 single arm presses (each side) 7 good mornings Skills: Review the kip timing for TTB Review Deadlifts and go over the workout WOD: AMRAP 4, Rest 1:00, Complete 4 rounds 20 TTB 10 Deadlift...

080218, Thursday

Warmup: with a partner 400 single unders 300m row 200 jumping jacks 100 plate hops Skills: tabata AbMat sit ups WOD: AMRAP 20: 4000m row 30 DB step overs (50s/35s) 200m farmers carry together (50s/35s) 10 man makers...

080118, Wednesday

Pre-warm-up: hip mobility Warm-up: 3x thru 10 Cals 10 air squats 10 hollow rocks 10 lunges 10 windmills Skill: 1 Power clean + 3 front squats WOD: AMRAP 10 60’ HSW or Bear Crawl 60 DB Snatches (50/35) 60...

073118, Tuesday

warmup: Dynamic WOD: 3 rounds: 10 Hang Clean & Jerks 10 Lateral Burpees R1: (115/80), R2: (155/105), R3: (185/125) Post-WOD Skill: TTB Skill Work EMOM 12: 1: 15 v ups 2: 4 strict TTB into 4 TTBs 3: :25 bar hang or ring...

073018, Monday

warmup: CrossFit Harpoon OLY warm up Skills: Snatch work and begin warming up with the following conplex: 1 hang snatch + 2 OHS with a running clock: 21-15-9 CTBs WBs (20/14) Push ups in the remaining time, until the 18:00 mark, establish the heaviest in the complex...