072918, Sunday

Skill: 5RM Strict Press WOD: Mainsite 180612 7 2-minute rounds of: 20-cal. row Max rep GHD sit-ups, Weighted sit ups or AbMat sit ups There is no rest between rounds. If you have more than 8 people in class, use the Assault bikes. If there are more 13 people in class,...

072718, Friday

Skills: In 12:00: Option 1: Max Effort strict HSPUs directly into max effort kipping HSPUs directly into max effort push ups Rest :90 seconds, repeat for max effort reps Option 2: Max Effort strict DB presses directly into max effort DB Push Presses directly into max...

072618, Thursday

Warm-up: EMOM 12: 10 Cal Row 20 jumping lunges 20 plate hops AMRAP 20 with Teams of 2: Partner A: 800m run Partner B: 50 WBs Partner A & B alternate for 50 burpees Partner A & B alternate for 50 pull ups Every round that you complete, switch whether you are...

072518, Wednesday

Warm-up: Jump rope skill work Strength: EMOM 10: Power clean + Push Jerk WOD: Mainsite 180524 3RFT: 10 DB Hang Snatch Right Arm 5 BMUs 10 DB Hang Snatch Left Arm 5 BMUs