071918, Thursday

warm up: coach’s choice Skills: 4 rounds: 30′ DB OH WL 200m farmer’s carry :30 L sit/bar hang WOD: AMRAP 20 with a partner: 50 WBs 40 AbMat sit ups 30 Box Jump Overs 20 MUs

071818, Wednesday

Warm-up: 100 Cal Row between you and your partner. You must also complete by your self: 50 ring rows 50 lunges 50 AbMat sit ups Strength: 1RM Push Jerk WOD: 100 Bar Facing Burpees For Time

071718, Tuesday

Warm-up: As many rounds for quality in 8:00: Laying Handstand Hold for :20 5 push ups 30’ bear crawl 30’ crab walk :20 belly and nose against wall HS hold WOD: 4RFT 30 Push Ups 15 Deadlifts (225/155) 12:00 Time cap Post-WOD Skill: 5:00 max effort HSPUs or DB presses,...

071618, Monday

Warm-up: CFH Oly warm up Skill: EMOM 10: 1 squat snatch + 1 hang power snatch *ascending weight each round WOD: AMRAP 18: 20 CTBs 20 Thrusters (95/65) 20 Cal Row

071518, Sunday

Warmup: Conner’s choice Skills: 8 RM Strict Press WOD: 4RFT: 20 DB Snatch (50/35) 200m Run 20 DB SDHP (50/35) 200m Run time cap: 10:00