070918, Monday

WE HAVE A SUPPLEMENT GURU ON SiTE DURING THE AM CLASSES! Take a peak at xendurance’s website before coming to class to see if you have any questions! warmup: CFH OLY Warm up Skills: Review the Hang Snatch (with a 40:00 running clock) 7:00 to find the heaviest hang...

070818, Sunday

Warmup: 3x thru: 50 single unders 10 air squats 10 push ups 10 plate ground to overhead 10 side to side plate hops Skill: 10RM Strict Press *one attempt! AMRAP 18: 20 Row Cals 10 Box Jump Overs 100...

070718, Saturday

warmup: CFH OLY WARMUP Skills: The Snatch Cycling the snatch WOD: Partner Double Isabel 60 Snatches (135/95) directly into Partner Randy 75 Snatches for time (75/55)

070618, Friday

Did you’re receive our email? Warm up: Coach’s choice WOD: “1775” (Modified) With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of: 17 power cleans, 135/95 75 squats Unload the barbell and carry it to the other side of the room. Go for a 200 meters run....

070518, Thursday

warmup: with a partner, accrue 400 single unders 80 Hollow Rocks 60 pvc OHS Skills: 3 rounds: :30 HS Hold :30 bar hang 10 DB strict presses 10 strict pull ups AMRAP 20 with a partner: 1600m run, alternating every 400m 50 push ups 50 sit...