070318, Tuesday

070318, Tuesday

As a general note: We are closed for July 4th! The York Parks & Rec department hosts the Four on the Fourth, and we encourage you to get outside to run with your community! We have a normal operating schedule on Tuesday & Thursday. Warm-up: Dynamic EMOM 10: 3...
070218, Monday

070218, Monday

warmup: 4x thru: 200m run 7 scap push ups 7 pvc front squats 7 pvc strict presses 7 hollow rocks 7 scap squeezes Skills: review the workout movements in detail WOD: with a partner: “The Seven” Seven rounds for time of: 7 Handstand push-ups 135 pound Thruster, 7 reps 7...
070118, Sunday

070118, Sunday

warmup: Conner’s choice Skills: 1 RM Strict Press WOD: “Cindy” AMRAP 20: 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats
063018, Saturday

063018, Saturday

warmup: CrossFit Harpoon OLY WARM UP Skill: 1 RM Hang Snatch WOD: AFAP 30 DB Squat Snatch (50/35) 400m run 20 DB Squat Snatch 200m run 10 DB Squat Snatch 400m run
062918, Friday

062918, Friday

warmup: Dynamic Skill: 1RM Front Squat 4RFT: 10 STOH (115/80) 10 Over the bar lateral Burpees 10 TTB Time cap: 15:00