062818, Thursday

Warm up: Coach’s choice skills: EMOM 9: 10 Strict Toes To Bar 15 weighted Hollow Rocks 20 AbMat Sit-ups AFAP WOD AMRAP 20 with a partner 500 m row 50 Dumbbell Push Press, 35/20 lbs 50 Pull-ups 50 Dumbbell Front Squats, 35/20 lbs 50 Push-ups 50 Dumbell suitcase Walking...
062718, Wednesday

062718, Wednesday

Warm-up: 100 Cals with a partner on a bike or a rower. Alternate every 10 reps. When not on the machine, acquire 50 of each: lite DB Snatches plate hops DB goblet squats Skills: The Muscle Up 10:00 working technique positions and talking thru modifications WOD: AMRAP...
062618, Tuesday

062618, Tuesday

Warm-up: Small Dynamic + Oly warmup Clean Pulls High Pulls Muscle Cleans Front squats Strict Press Split Jerk High Hang Cleans Hang Cleans Full Squat Cleans WOD: 30 Cleans (95/65) 20 Cleans (135/95) 10 Cleans (155/105) 5 Cleans (185/135) 1 Clean (205/155) Time cap:...
062518, Monday

062518, Monday

warm up: 3x 10 dislocates 10 straddle vups 10 kip swings 10 air squats 10 scorpions 10 Samson lunges :20 HS hold Skills: 1RM Deadlift WOD: 40 Burpees to a 6″ Target 500m Row 200 DUs 500m Row 40 Burpees to a 6″ Target 18:00 time...