Regular Schedule Today! Come in and tackle the 12 Days of Christmas! Warm Up: Dynamic then prep and warm up all the movements! WOD: Harpoons 12 Days of Christmas 1-Handstand Push Up 2-Thrusters (75/55) 3-Power Cleans 4- Shoulder to Overhead 5- Wall Balls 6- Kettlebell...


Warm Up: Coaches Choice! Skill: 30-20-10 (Not for Time but Quality) Slam Balls Renegade Rows Empty Barbell Bicep Curls WOD: 10 RFT 25 Double Unders 5 Burpees


Warm Up: :30 on :10 off Low Plank Hold Inchworm to Push Up Hollow Hold Air Squats Superman Hold Active Spider-Man’s Skill: Clean and Jerk *find 3 weights that we can use in today’s Metcon. Should be challenging but not to the point of failed lifts. WOD:...


Warm Up: Group Hamstring, Hip, Low Back Mobility Then 3 Min Row or Bike 20 Banded Goodmornings 20 Banded Pull Aparts 20 Alt. Lunges 20 Leg Swings 5 Push Up Down Dog Skill: Deadlift (Phase 2) 5@ 65% 5@75% 5++@85% “Adding” 10# to 1RM THEN take 90% of that...


Warm Up: :30 on :10 off Jumping Jacks Spider-Man Lunge (Hold :30e Leg) No Push Up Burpees Pidgin (Hold :30e Leg) Active Bar Hang x 2 Skill: EMOM12 (6 Rounds) Evens: :20-:30 Hanging L-Sit Hold Odds: :50 Farmers Carry (2 KB or 2 DB) WOD: Partner! For Time 100 Wall Balls...