Harpoon @ Home Workout Preview 021520

7 rounds for time: 7 push ups 7 DB Thrusters *use two DBs 7 V-ups 7 DB Deadlifts *use two DBs 7 burpees 7 DB Swings *use one DB 7 DB Hang snatch on each arm *use one DB More about Harpoon at Home: Bring the gym home to you. We know you’re busy. We know sometimes life...

Where can I read the workout?

We haven’t stopped writing workouts, and we aren’t afraid to share them! We are just publishing them through SugarWOD to our members, an internal community app where we share comments, scores and lots of other good stuff. If you’d like to be able to...

Harpoon @ Home Workout Preview 020520

Buy in: 40 burpees Into 10-1 Box Jump Overs DB Snatch (total) Homage to our homies at Jump Ship Training! More about Harpoon at Home: Bring the gym home to you. We know you’re busy. We know sometimes life gets in the way of attending classes at Harpoon. And we know...

Harpoon @ Home 020120

AMRAP 20: 20 Dumbbell Deadlifts 50 Double Unders 20 Dumbbell Alternating Hang Snatch 50 Double Unders Rest 1:00 after each round Check out SugarWOD for a detailed warm-up and modifications. If you’re interested in joining our Harpoon @ Home program, a daily...


Warm Up: 2 Rounds :40 on / :20 off Row Plank Hold Glute Bridges Banded Goodmornings Skill: Deadlifts. Add 20# to 1RM, take 90% and complete 5@75% 3@85% 1+@ 95% WOD: For Time 1500/1200m Row (7 min Cap on Row) 30 Deadlifts (245/165) 45 Lateral Burpees Over Bar *Heat 2...


Warm Up: Dynamic with Mobility Partner WOD: With a Partner, 40 DU Each* 70 Wall Balls (20/14) 40 DU 70 Pull Ups 40 DU 70 Push Ups 40 DU 70 Pull Ups 40 DU 70 Wall Balls 40 DU *DU will be done 40 each, where other movements can be split however! *25 Min Cap! Before You...